Let City Hall Know That You Support Bike Lanes!
On Tuesday, September 21st, Bikeatoga and a diverse group of Saratoga Springs businesses and nonprofits will urge the City Council to complete the bike lanes, street markings and signage recommended in the City’s 2016 Complete Streets plan.WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
Check out our resolution and list of supporting organizations below.
Email City Council members and let them know that YOU support safer cycling and building bike infrastructure in Saratoga Springs.Kelly@saratoga-springs.org;michele.madigan@saratoga-springs.org;john.franck@saratoga-springs.org;robin.dalton@saratoga-springs.org;skip.scirocco@saratoga-springs.org
Please put “Bike lanes” in the subject line and cc ed@bikeatoga.org, or tag us @bikeatoga or on Facebook, so we know that your voice has been heard.
Thanks! Together we can make cycling in Saratoga Springs safer for everyone.Supporting organizations:1. B.E.S.T. (Backstretch Employees Service Team)2. Bikeatoga3. Catholic Charities of Saratoga, Warren & Washington Counties4. Complete Streets Advisory Board5. The Dark Horse6. Franklin Community Center7. Grey Ghost Bicycles8. Impressions of Saratoga9. LifeWorks Community Action10. Marshall & Sterling Insurance11. The Palette Cafe12. Saratoga Hospital13. Saratoga PLAN14. Saratoga Regional YMCA15. Saratoga Shredders16. Saratoga Springs Public Library17. Saratoga Springs Housing Authority18. Skidmore College19. Sustainable Saratoga20. Trek Bikes Saratoga Springs